
Centuries ago, refugees abandoned Earth in all directions as evidence mounted of a runaway greenhouse effect that would leave the planet uninhabitable. Two hundred years into their outbound voyage, our ancestors lost contact with all other humans when the long distance communication system of their starship failed. It's been three decades since that ship reached its destination, planet Gethen, and an initial outpost was established on the surface.

IGNITION is a short, six-ish-person, live-action game about the last survivers on an exoplanet outpost. It’s a story adaptation of Jason Morningstar's THE CLIMB (which I ran in 2018). These games are part of a movement of freeform role playing that has elements of improv story telling and uses props and sets to ease players into the kind of make believe we may have forgotten since we were children. Bring a headlamp. We’ll build pillow forts. If someone has a pair of walkie-talkies, please bring them!

In this workshop, people will learn how to...: 
Be part of a live action role playing game that reconnects us to child-like make believe
Workshop Format: 
I'll offer my skill as a group workshop
What age range is your workshop aimed at?: 
Yes!Maybe...Probably not