How to Make Things Up

Puns, terrible jokes, silly ideas for bad movie plots, stories about what you did on Friday night that are more exciting than "petted my dog for an hour and went to bed early," totally disgusting foods that you describe to your friends but which no one in their right mind would ever actually cook - These are the riduculous things which your imagination has the potential to create for your own - and others' - amusment. Come to this workshop to let your imagination run wild! We'll think about how to make your mind a sillier place, and practice being funny, ridiculous, and fantastical. We might also go deep, and have a conversation about the power of imagining, and some more serious (but not too serious) reasons you should get better at making things up.Note: This workshop is a little bit improve, a little bit bullsh*t, and a lot of fun! Please bring your laughing pants.NOTE NOTE: I would also be glad to hold this workshop as an outside-but-in-person workshop with a small group in the Burlington VT area, if anyone is interested!

In this workshop, people will learn how to...: 
Make up jokes, silly stories, and fantastical idea.
Workshop Format: 
I'll offer my skill as a group workshop
What age range is your workshop aimed at?: 
All ages
What physical materials should participants acquire in advance? : 
SILLY HATS! (not required, just fun.) Please also feel free to bring a favorite joke, pun, or thing you recently thought of that is just plain silly.
What virtual resources should participants acquire in advance?: 
Nothing, BUT! During this workshop you'll have an exclusive one-time offer to download Eliza's Patented Pun Generating Software directly into your brain for FREE! (See? I made that up, but also: it's real.)
Yes!Maybe...Probably not