Bliss and the Art of Salads

I love making salads! I love getting philosophical about making salads! I love figuring out halfway through the process of making my salad exactly what salad it is that I'm making! And gosh darn it, I love eating salads!This workshop is about exploring the design space of salads, freeing yourself to be creative and inventive in making salads with whatever you have on hand, and embracing the bliss of never eating the same salad twice. We'll talk about the various salads we've eaten before, their commonalities and differences, and the basic principles that underly them. Then we'll each invent a new salad and eat it! Hooray!

In this workshop, people will learn how to...: 
Express creativity, and eat well, through designing improvised salad "recipes".
Workshop Format: 
I'll offer my skill as a group workshop
What age range is your workshop aimed at?: 
Kids 5–10 years old (plus anyone older if they feel like it)
What online tools or platforms, besides basic video conferencing, do you need for your workshop?: 
I plan to use Google Meet and an online whiteboard platform like Jamboard.
What physical materials should participants acquire in advance? : 
Equipment: a cutting board, a decent chopping knife, a really big salad bowl or mixing bowl, a peanut-butter or jelly jar (for mixing your dressing). Ingredients: at least two items from each of these categories (leftovers are welcome!): - OIL (olive, sesame, vegetable...) - ACID (apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, fresh lemons...) - LEAVES (spinach, baby salad greens, kale, cabbage, fresh cilantro, fresh parsley...) - GOOP (dijon mustard, blueberry jam, mayonnaise, tahini...) - YUMS (herbs & spices; e.g. dried oregano, fresh sage, poppyseeds, whole coriander...) - WET CHONKS (carrots, pears, apples, grapes, celery, raisins, canned black beans, hard-boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, green peas, roasted veggies, strawberries, cherries, grapefruit, frozen corn...) - DRY CHONKS (pecans, almonds, pumpkin seeds, toasted soybeans, cheese, croutons...) - SALT (salt) - PEPPER (fresh-ground black pepper, or white pepper if you like that junk)
What virtual resources should participants acquire in advance?: 
A Google account is probably helpful but may not be strictly necessary.
Yes!Maybe...Probably not